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Friday, April 8, 2011

Êtes-vous Parisien?

Are you officially a Parisian when you begin wearing a scarf indoors? If so, I'm a Parisian.

Are you officially a Parisian when you start drinking wine at lunch? If so, I'm a Parisian.

Are you officially a Parisian when you find a piece of baguette in your coat pocket? If so, I'm a Parisian.

Well, maybe I'm a little ahead of myself.... Had a big meeting this morning at an advertising agency and the metro stop was really far from the office....speed walking through the streets of Paris in red heels while carrying an oversized portfolio is not an easy task.

And I still don't understand the cabs your light on or off? Are you ON or OFF duty?
After  losing one my heels to a grate on the sidewalk, I finally found a cab....I recited the address. The driver rattled off a bunch of French...I threw my hands in the air...I dont understand.
"Je ne comprends pas"

The driver smiled, drove one block, turned the corner, drove another block and said: "We have arrived".

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