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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Paris is for lovers, but I'm in love with Paris.

I woke up today feeling very lonely and sad. 
In the past I would have moped around the apartment all day eating Doritos.
But not in Paris. 
I remembered, I'm living my dream ...get out of the flat off I went.

Destination: Luxembourg Gardens


is anything here ugly??? 

This picture pretty much sums up the gardens....

I sat in the sun for an hour people watching and listening to music..thanks Anna Cavazos.

oh, the tulips...I can't get enough of you.

After the gardens, I walked around some more. The walking is great because I'm consuming more carbs than regular yet my skinny jeans are loose. Thank goodness because I'm not ready to give up the almond croissants and baguettes...and either is Higgins.

Here is my favorite ad in Paris right now.

Oh Gucci, next time I want someone to be quiet I'm going to put my thumb on their lip. That's hot.

And look at this other treasure I saw in a store window of an eyeglass shop. 

I've never wanted to look more like Sally Jessy Raphael in my life.

On the way home, I stopped by my favorite cafe in the neighborhood to have a coffee and peach-o tart. 
(inside family joke)
But with all the walking, I figured I deserved it! ;)

I am already a regular at 2 cafes and 2 delis in the neighborhood. And I order everything in French. Winning!

On the schedule for this week:

3 french lessons
2 agent meetings
1 photography portfolio  
the most exciting venture of all:

10.000 fish...OMG!

Whose coming to visit next????


  1. I imagine it's going to be me. Big decisions popping over here, Peacho.

  2. i would be so thrilled.....j'amie you!
    we can eat peach-o tarts!

  3. I don't know what a peach-o tart is, but I think I want one!
    I put in a google alert for an inexpensive flight to Paris.
    je voudrais to come to Paris!

  4. the SJR comment made me laugh so hard. LOVE that image of the fluffy dog with glasses!
