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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pigeons in Paris

Just can't get enough....Pill and Popper are doing well...I can't stop looking out the window. 

Excerpt from "The Human Nature of Pigeons"

Pigeons are highly intelligent birds and model 
parents. Their hearts and minds are akin to 
our own. Pigeons have keen eyes and versatile 
perceptions. They can fly over 90 miles an 
hour and find their way home from thousands 
of miles away. Pigeons can live up to 10 or 
more years.  

Courtship and Family 
Pigeon pairs stay together for life. (awesome!)
They normally raise 5 or 6 families a year, two chicks at a time. When pigeons 
are courting, they coo and nibble each others’ necks affectionately. The male 
pigeon feeds his mate regurgitated food, which she receives by putting her 
beak into his in the practice known as “billing.” 
City pigeons lay their eggs in nests they make together out of twigs, which 
they bring to windowsills and other high ledges. We seldom see the eggs or 
the babies, since usually either the mother or father pigeon is sitting on them, 
keeping them safe and warm. After about 17 days, the baby pigeons peck 
their way out of the eggs. The parent birds attentively feed and care for their 
nestlings for the next 4 or 5 weeks.  

Usually Peggy only looks at me from the side...

Like this...

But today, she looked at me!


1 comment:

  1. I don't think I've ever heard you talk about a NYC pigeon that way. They must be classier over there.
