Blog Archive

Thursday, August 4, 2011

C'est la vie!

oh, what do i say?

i starting writing a blog last night and decided it was to sad and bitter to i saved it as a draft but never published it. Let's just say last night i go into an argument with a good friend which ended up in me leaving the cafe with quiet tears.

quiet tears??? 

when have i ever said english is so different now...i left crying quietly...anyway, i spend most of the day feeling really sad .....or really angry. back and forth...its normal i think i got off work early today and took higgins for a walk.....and because now i live in a smalll village inside a big is hard to i saw this person from across the street and decided i need to resolve this right here and right now.

as we all know confrontation is never easy, especially when you have a language barrier to deal with but i needed to speak to mind because i was offended. i was not comfortable but basically said my front of the entire cafe..but you know what....the word"sorry" can go a very long way...esecially when you know the person means it....and this friend meant it. it took a few strong sentences to get the point across but mission accomplished.

i like to think of myself of being very open and friendly but sometimes lines need to be drawn. a
nd tonight i drew my line. 

i think moving to another country makes my emotions intensified...when i am high on life nothing can stop me...and when i am sad here, i am alone. but i am here to find myself which got lost too many times in the day to day of nyc.

who are my good friends here? im still figuring this out but it takes time...but i have to say i feel so much better confronting my issues front whats next? bring it on...i am ready...with my pastry in one can take that away from me.

peace and love to my friend which i resolved my issues with...because this person is just trying to find himself as i am.

and best of luck to both of us ;)

and on a lighter note:

parisian fashion at it's best!!!

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