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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Numbers and timing....

Do things change quickly everywhere or mainly in big cities?

© melissa scheetz

For almost two weeks every time  I looked at the clock it was 11:11, 2:22 or 10:10...and then a few days ago it stopped. Does this mean anything?

I remember as a child when I would ride in the car I would add up numbers on a sign and I would always want them to be even in the I would mix the numbers around, multiply, divide, subtract..whatever I has to do to make the final number even in the end.

So now when I look at the time and it's 10:23...ugh....I preferred 10:10..maybe I am out of synch.

The month of August is almost over, the streets are filling up and life is changing again. But part of me is holding on to the quiet times in the beginning of the month which I enjoyed so much. And I am afraid of what's around the next corner... but also excited. 
But life moves on.
Carry on and keep Calm

So this morning I woke up early with Higgins and run up every stair case in the neighborhood...26 to be exact. 

I came home out of breathe but feeling pretty good, had my own private dance party in the apartment drinking my coffee and eating 2 cookies...okay maybe 4.

Everyone on the EAST COAST....stay safe.

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