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Thursday, September 15, 2011

French Drycleaning

 I went to the local dry cleaners in the neighborhood. I walked in and politely asked the man behind the counter if he spoke English. He was a very little man with a polka dot bow tie. He pierced his lips and arrogantly said "no". 
So I did my best to tell him I needed my clothes cleaned. 
1 jacket, 3 sweaters, and 1 pair of pants. 
He told me they would be ready Tuesday night.

So I go back Wednesday afternoon and long story short, after searching around the shop for 10 minutes he comes back to tell me they were not ready. 
"Come back tomorrow", he said with that smirk still on his face. 
How annoying.
What is this guy's problem?

So I come back the following day and he starts searching for my clothes again. One by one he finds my jacket and pants but only 2 sweaters. Of course, my most expensive sweater is no where to be found so he searches more. 
Meanwhile, my body temperature is rising. 

While I am waiting, a young man comes in and asks me something in French I did not understand....
"Parlez-vous anglais?", I ask

"Yes," he says..."I can actually speak 4 languages fluently. 
French, English, Russian, and Spanish."

"Great," I said. "I can do the splits."

"What?" he said
"Nevermind." I replied.

I told the young man that this place was not very good... that the service was slow and the man was rude.
The young man replied, "I don't know of any other shops so I will try this one. What do I have to lose?"

And I said, "Probably your clothes."

Finally my sweater was found...20 minutes later and 40 Euro less in my pocket. 

I will never go there again.

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