Blog Archive

Monday, September 12, 2011

Who runs the world?

Last night was girl's night. 
4 girls
1 French
1 Canadian
1 Australian
1 American

We met at Sayuli's new apartment for drinks and snacks...tres beau!

We discussed international business, the state of the economy and 9/11 ten years later....not really, we mainly talked about boys and our international travels/experiences. The world is crazy enough right now so we kept it simple.


After a few drinks we headed to a lounge inside of Parc Buttes Chaumont to do a little dancing....and it was packed!!!  

Who runs the world? Girls or gays? Last night it was both....

It was Sunday night so I went home pretty early but it was fun.
It's nice to leave the neighborhood every once and a while because it has a tendency to suck you in like a magnet.

I took the metro back with my friend Dee...she was sweet enough to watch Higgins while I was at the beach and in Scotland. 

metro photo shoot...why not?

And while she was staying at my apartment, she meet a man at Sacré-Cœur who makes dog keychains out of pipe cleaners..and he made one to resemble Higgins...I was so jealous when I saw it.

The man is fairly old and explains the entire process over a microphone while sitting at a table in his wheelchair...and at the completion of each dog he says "voilà!"

For 2 Euro you can have one too ;)

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