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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Yesterday I climbed a small mountain....then ate a large pizza.

So my last day in Scotland was a success. I woke up and it was pouring down rain...but no reason to worry because the weather there changes every 10 minutes.

I walked to Arthur's seat and Holyrood Park. Arthur's seat is an array of hills, lochs, glens, ridges and cliffs and is the highest point of Edinburgh so I decided to go for it. Mainly because it is too expensive to shop in the city when you are exchanging the dollar to the pound..ouch.

.588 US Dollars (USD)  is equal to 1 UK Pound 

approaching the park

no falling rocks today

took about an hour to get to the top
With my ipod nano, which I can't seem to go anywhere without and time to spare, I climbed to the top. It's definitely not Mount Everest but still challenging. (note: I have never climbed Mount Everest, nor do I have immediate plans to do so.)

self timer and the open sky at the top

out of breath....thank you nice lady for taking my photo

at the top

headed back down

The ground was a little wet which made climbing back down even more challenging.

Hard work requires a reward so I headed to an Italian restaurant and had a pizza and a glass of Limoncello. 

Traveling alone is fun because you can do whatever you want whenever but it's also challenging at times because you are....alone. But a great trip overall. Beautiful country and people.

Now I'm back in Paris...already missing the quiet of Scotland...because for some reason the Frenchies love to gather on the stairs next to my apartment to drink wine until the early hours of the morning...Thank you, Frenchies for waking me at 5am this morning and finally going home and 6.30am.

Tell me where you live so I can return the favor. ;)

It's coffee time...and I have a feeling it will be one of several today.

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