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Friday, September 9, 2011

Yesterday I drove through a rainbow.

I have been in Scotland since Tuesday night. So far the weather has been pretty good except for today.. it is supposed to rain all day and it is freezing! 
Good thing I have my new Lochness hooded sweatshirt!

I found my accommodations on a web site called airbnb where you can rent an apt or a room. I chose to rent a room from two guys named Jakob and Fez close to Centre City and they have been wonderful. They served me tea the night I arrived and we chatted about life in general. A very sweet couple.

self-timer never know what you will get ;)

cup in their

Wednesday I walked all around the city and it is quite charming. And the Scots are so nice and friendly.

 It's nice to be in a country where people smile a lot. (Listen up people of France ;) )
I walked by a group of guys and I heard one guy say, "Whenever I see someone smile, it reminds why living life is so great."
Enough said.

So I did the typical tourist sites, had lunch in a pub, got a make-over at the YSL counter (why not), had a few coffees, and a glass of wine in the evening. I must really be turning French if I am still drinking red wine in Scotland...but the best part is they ask you if you want a small or large glass...Um, large please!

Wednesday I got up really early and walked to the castle where I jumped on a bus full of tourists to explore the Highlands and Lochness. We covered 600km that day. I have to say Scotland is one of the most beautiful countries I have ever seen. And my pictures don't really do it justice because most of the time I was looking out the window of the bus it was the only way to cover that much distance in one day and well worth it.
There were rolling hills, waterfalls, cute little puffy sheep everywhere, and rainbows. While listening to my ipod it was a spiritual experience for sure.

that face! so cute

so much prettier in person....I decided to stop photographing and keep the beauty in my memory...amazing
Once we reached Lochness, we jumped on a boat for an hour cruise hoping to see Nessie. 
It was a little cold but I went down to the inside cabin for a bit and warmed up with my first scotch...not bad.

no Nessie....

There she is!

A dream come true!

Now, I think I will bundle up and head out for lunch or a coffee and read a book. I wish it was not raining but I'm heading back to Paris tomorrow afternoon so I have a few more things to see.

A great experience thus far.

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