Blog Archive

Sunday, September 25, 2011

It's my favorite kind of morning

I have to admit I have been sleeping in the last few days but not today. I have one week until work officially starts and life changes again.
What will I do this last week besides shop my book around?
I've had 2 rejections and one possible job offer. Two out of three is not bad.

So this morning I woke up early and hit the stairs before the tourists came out. 

It was a killer since I took a few days off.  My legs are shaking...either from the stairs or the coffee I've already had this morning. 

I've been thinking a lot about tourists in general. Everyone gets annoyed when too many tourists take over their area but in reality we are all tourists somewhere...and why can't we just be people of the world instead of from one country...I know I know...and stop world hunger while we are at it...blah blah blah.

But the reality is the France red tape is starting to become sticky in my life and it's not pretty. Let's just keep the fingers crossed and hope it's an uphill climb.

(Three people just passed by my window with stripes on. Awesome.)

I went to the cafe for the first time in a week yesterday. I've had a lot of stress and did not feel like seeing anyone for a while. And because I live in a small village it is hard to escape when you want too. 

So I eventually ventured out yesterday... and I have to say this is one of the things I do love about this neighborhood....several friends/acquaintances were there and it was really nice to stop by and catch up on village life.
It's nice to feel a sense of community in your neighborhood especially when your close friends and family are miles away. And I have to admit it hasn't been the easiest of times lately but things always eventually get better... or at least I make sure of it.

After the cafe I took a walk around the neighborhood and something funny happened.

(More stripes just passed by my window...awesome)

I was wearing this Italia jacket my friend gave me.

These two girls came up to me and asked me in French for directions to a statue with it's head or body cut off. First of all, I was thrilled I understood what they said. And second of all, we were only a block away.
And by coincidence, I had just learned how to say "follow me" in French. 
So I said, 

And Voila!

I think the girls were German...they looked at me and smiled...looked at my jacket and said "Andiamo".

Last time I checked this means "let's go" in Italian.
I looked at them and smiled and said the first word out of my mouth was "Buongiorno"

Last time I checked, this means "Good Morning."

It was around 6 at night.

Oh well, we tried. I laughed and walked away. One language at a time please.

Time to take a shower and see what happens today.

I think I will wear stripes today.

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