Blog Archive

Friday, October 7, 2011

Save the drama for your Momma

I am back!!!!
What a week!
First of all, last week my laptop died and I almost cried. So off to the computer store I went to try and have it luck. So I accept the situation and go to buy a new computer only to realize both my credit card AND ATM card have expired.

When is the last time you have looked at your expiration dates? Do it now ;)
So with the help of amazing friends and families I had them working overtime to get me back up to speed. Finally, one week later it all came together and I am typing this blog on my new machine. It is so beautiful.

But not without a lot of drama.
The night I purchased my computer my new credit card got denied because of international sercurity fraud detection blah blah blah. The store would not call the credit card company so I had to go back home (25 minutes) call from my home phone only to have them assure me the card was fine...and then back to the store to have it denied again for the same back home again to call and then back to the store....third time was a charm but not without a big headache.

And what was Higgins doing this entire time?

So what did I do that one week I had no computer?. I will tell you it was not easy hanging out at the cafes, reading books, taking pictures and watching movies.

I ate delicious pastries such as these:
chocolate bomb!!!!

one and only almond croissant

Read a book with Higgins at the cafe:

Higgins gets VIP service at Au Relais
Walked around Paris looking for new grafatti:

Worked on my baguette photo story:

personal favorite

Now I am back in action ready to play catch up.....I have work to do.

But tomorrow is a celebration of wine in the neighborhood....I dont know what to expect but I will have my camera and glass ready.

Thanks again to my friends and family who helped me through my week of "American girl having issues in Paris."
I can finally say it is over!

I will drink to that tomorrow.

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