Blog Archive

Friday, December 9, 2011

Ask and you shall receive.

Things are a little bit rocky right now. 
So all week I have been deciding if I should write a really sad post or figure out how to turn it around. So this is the post to turn it all around.

In the past week....
 I got rejected (who hasn't)
 I got a warning (who hasn't)
I got misinformed (who hasn't)
I did not eat even one almond croissant. 

For those of you who are wondering what the details of these situations are, you will have to wait until my blog becomes a romantic comedy. 
No, really. :)

Everyday this week I have tried to leave my apartment to exercise and what do I find? 

So as you can imagine, I have had to cut back on the pastries. 
Maybe this is why I don't feel that great.

So after much deliberation (thank you, mommas) I have crafted my new vision board.

"The idea behind this is that when you surround yourself with images of who you want to become, what you want to have, where you want to live, or where you want to vacation, your life changes to match those images and those desires."

They say you should act like you already have what you want and the universe will bring it to you. 
Like attracts like. 
So no more moping. I'm in Paris for goodness sakes. 
Isn't that every American girls dream?

And funny to think that a picture of the Eiffel Tower was on my vision board while I was in NYC. 
And here I am.

So here we go...this is what I want.

I want a Paris apartment with a view of the Eiffel tower.
I want a real 1 or 2 bedroom apartment with a balcony in Paris.
I want a Canon 5D.
I want my visa in France.
I want to travel Europe on the weekends once or twice a month.
I want to plan my studio lighting for upcoming shoots.
I want love.
I want 50 thousand Euros.

They say no dream is too big. :)

I am starting to feel better and feeling my energy lifting about my new ventures to come.

It will be interesting to check back in 6 months and see how life has progressed.
Nothing is written, right?
It's exciting to imagine whats around the corner. 

But for now I think I will go around the corner and treat myself to that croissant aux amandes. 


  1. Go Judy. Love this post! xxx Judith

  2. Dream big Melissa :D I'm all about the vision board too. I hope to go back to Paris next year :)
