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Saturday, December 3, 2011

London...spend pounds(£) and gain pounds.(lbs)

A broken heart is a very pleasant complaint for a man in London if he has a comfortable income.
George Bernard Shaw

London = expensive.

Well, it was nice to get out of Paris for 3 days but I wish I was a millionaire while in London. So many shops of things you don't need but you want so badly. :)

Rainy, windy and cold...and the only color you see are the red buses passing every 3 seconds. Someone made a good move with the red for sure....for without the buses...all you see is grey.

Buckingham Palace

But a beautiful city indeed with perfectly groomed men and all the fried foods you can imagine.
My friend commented how hot she thought the London men were...just as well dressed as the Parisians but a little less gay loooking. Classic

I wish his eyes were not closed because he reminded me of Jim from "The Office."

I still don't understand how the majority of the city seems to be in shape when London would sell you a fried shoe if they could with malt vinegar on it...and I am sure it would taste good.

Besides my morning scone and coffee  most of my meals were fried...

 Yes, I really like mustard.
Wow, did i really eat that?

No wonder as soon I got back to Paris I bought fresh chicken, salmon, vegetables and yogurt.

I think it was walking around all day  to galleries and sightseeing that my jeans still fit. Whew!

And besides the fact that the entire city is under construction in preparation for the Olympics, there is a lot to see.

Accompanied by my friend Liz and two other friends we met up with in the city, it was a good time. Everything is done in to the highest production and all to spark your urge to spend money. 
My budget trick...only pay in cash and only withdraw only what you plan to spend.

So did I come back with any new clothes or friends and family..I'm on a budget. 
That immigration lawyer is not cheap. :)

Things I saw or experienced:

Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park

 The fish and chips are starting to show in this picture.

 I went on this ride...besides regretting I have not yet written my will, it was fun. :)

National Portrait Gallery
 A beautiful building indeed...and full of only portraits. Go figure.

White Cube Gallery and Surrounding Area
 The name is very fitting. WHITE CUBE
 New temporary shopping center that opened that day. All the vendors were giving out free food samples that day...this is where I had my free lunch. :)

 The only vegetables I saw on my entire trip.

London's version of the small car. I want one.
Serving coffee all day long.

Thanks Liz for getting us back to the Eurostar in time.

People in always excites me...and thanks for the good times to my new and old friends.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are having a blast. wish I was there with you. I'm really into the architecture. At Interior Design School we looked at alot of pictures of places over there. Would love to see in person....maybe some day when I find a rich man. lol Glad you are having fun.
    Mary Scheetz
