Blog Archive

Sunday, December 18, 2011

La transition

I don't why I have not felt like writing anything in the past week. I have sat in front of the computer several times trying to write my blog and nothing comes out.
But I will force myself now.
And I guess today I am feeling a little more motivated because something big happened last night. 

I have a very good French friend here who speaks perfect English. So obviously when we get together it's so easy to speak in English. But last night I made myself start speaking French with her. 
We went dancing with two other friends and spoke French for the first time...I dont know why I get so nervous at first...mainly because I don't want to butcher the language, but they were all very encouraging and they understood me.

We danced for hours and chatted...and I also ran into 3 other people I had met at different parties in the past in Paris. 
It was exciting.
It made me realize that I officially have a life in Paris and each day I am feeling more a part of the community.

On Thursday night this past week I went to my company Christmas dinner.

The food was amazing...and we stayed at the restuarant until 1.30am. 
They like to have fun!

 I really like all the people I work with. Everyone laughs a lot and day by day I understand more. 
I  recently moved desks in the office to sit next to a guy who only speaks French. 
So I have no choice but to practice.

And the other day he had on a t-shirt that said:

"OPEN ALL DAY, until we are out of stock."

But he had no idea what it meant. 

Next week I have a meeting with my immigration lawyer...fingers crossed...then off to Aux en Provence to spend Christmas with my agent from NYC and her family. 
I'm so excited!

So many changes right now...which also comes with a lot of anxiety. 
But a new year is approaching with new opportunties...and I will be the first one in line ready to take my chance.
Life is go for it.
And the opportunities never go out of stock.

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