Blog Archive

Friday, May 11, 2012

I feel good.

I wish I could slow down time...or at least worry about it less.....and I wish I was staying in Paris longer because I am having so much fun!!!!

 But I still have 10 days so what's the problem?

Well, the first problem is I need to stop eating french fries.

The french fries here are out of this world.

My mom and I once discussed what would be our last meal if we were in prison on death row...nice conversation, right?

Anyway, the apple does not fall far from the tree because we both said a cheeseburger with steak fries....which are the fattest, most juicy and crispy potato you can experience all in one bite.

sorry to all the vegetarians :O
But please France, have more ketchup....I really don't want mayo with my fries...aren't they fattening enough?
And everytime I eat my fries with ketchup people say, "That's so American!"
And again I say, "I am American."

Well, today for lunch I had pasta and wine...and I thought for a minute, "Wait, am I in Paris or Italy?"

Then I realized, so what, who cares. 
Bon Appetit

As you all know, Higgins is back! 
And he looks like a dust bunny.

Do you see it?

Instead of Mr. Higgins, my French friend calls him Mr. Tube. 

And my friend said, "It's ironic he came to France and got fat since everything is bigger in America."

Again I remembered, no more french fries for me :)

Tomorrow Higgins has an appointment with a French grromer...I want to see what kind of magic they can do so get ready for before and after pictures.

Tonight it's dinner with my "French family". Will I have the strength to behave?

Time will tell.

It always does.

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