Blog Archive

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Not the end...but see you later.

This post is a week late as I am back in NYC...but I successfully managed to move all of my things and my dog to the same country... back to the good old USA...and I have been meaning to wrap up this blog for a week but I think I am still in shock over how much  happened in one year and how quickly it passed.

I went to Paris last year for 6 weeks and stayed a year. 
And I have over 5000 pictures to prove it. 
I spent a lot of this week just looking at them all - the good and the bad...and what a rush.

So just wanted to share a few more of my last night in Paris....

My favorite as everyone knows :).....but still can't pronounce it correctly.
Favorite meal!!!!!

 Hanging with my  Montmartre friends and my "French family" who always took such good care of me. 
Thank you so much!

Au revoir!
Always smiling...them them!

Actually, I was blessed to meet many amazing people during my stay who will remain in my heart for years to come....what an experience!

My french brother :) 
My french sister :)
My other french brother :)

I don't know how to end this but to's not good-bye but see you later.

I think I am still too emotional to be witty tonight.

But one little secret.....

Thinking about,  

"Pazza (somewhere) in Germany, 2013"

Bonne Nuit :))

Sunday, May 20, 2012

A big sigh for Versailles

I am leaving Paris in 12 hours. Just had dinner with my French family which I will post tomorrow.

I am excited to return to NYC but wish I could also skip the entire airpost process. 
C'est la vie :)

I am too tired for"catchy phrases" next to the pictures tonight...and I think I a little sad. My time here was amazing but coming quickly to an end ;(

What to say? 
The French know how to make a garden thats for sure.

And my garden will grow elsewhere from this day forward.

6 hours of sleep expected for tonight but still have around 50 pages of my Madonna book..can I do it?

If this is my biggest challenge today than I am not complaining.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Change is not always good.

I have been wanting to write about this for a I stroll the city with a hangbag full of girly things, a professional camera with an extra lens and battery, iPhone, iPod Nano and sometimes an I really need all this change in my pocket?

C'est dans le pouche!

Bad picture from the internet :)

Seriously people! :)
I went to the store earlier to buy dog food, milk and yogurt and paid 18 euros in change because I am not taking this back to the States. 
And I still have piles of change around the apartment.

No wonder the men here carry the "European man bag"....which makes me wonder...are you gay or European?

And their wallets look similair to a woman's small cosmetics bag.

Yes, I used a photo stock image on my blog...I am a photographer but I do't photograph men's wallets. :)

But never say never.

And because I only have a day and a half left, I am off to the cafe to have a drink and spend more change.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Experiencing "City Vacation" Guilt

I swear, the only problem with vacationing in a large city is the pressure to be on the move all the time. 

Well, today I am tired.

So I have decided to relax in my apartment, organize my things and work on my photography. 
But why do I feel guilty?


I had a few ideas of places to go today but I have already been, "body", you won :)

So here is what I am doing....listening to:

Gummy candies that look like eggs...why not?

My new friend on the balcony below...I named him Jean-Luc

I did take a walk earlier and saw my favorite advertisement on the side of a trash truck....

That's right...a 35€ fine for urinating in public...but I would be a rich girl if i charged all the men I have seen do this :)
Seriously... :)

I guess I am having early "blues" because my time in France is coming to an many experiences good and bad and people I will leave behind.

But it's not over yet...a big day at Versailles tomorrow and many dinner plans for the weekend..that is why tonight it's grilled chicken and mushrooms.

And I realized last night my fear of going to busy places alone is over...sounds stupid but I used to get such social anxiety..but now I can sit in a busy cafe and think about all the cool things I have done and all the new experiences I plan to have...that's life right?

I want to make it great!

Take a picture...It lasts longer...Oh yeah, I did :)

Time flies when you're having fun!

Where does the time go???

5 days left....NO!

But I am so enjoying my time in Paris this second time around. 

Eating, drinking, walking around, shopping...blah blah blah

Montmartre crew

J'adore the "happy grafetti" in Paris!
And you too can come to Paris and have pizza with bacon on it and feel like you are in Brooklyn with a politically correct group of friends!
Are they still in love? I hope so..I want that :)

Probably a tourist trap...but I always love anything RED!!!

Higgins had his final veternarian appointmant and he is ready to fly!
I just need to take a photo and his passport is all set!

Yes, they have a place in his passport for  a photo..which says, "photo optional" but the word "optional" when it comes to a photo does not exist for me :)

The doctor said it was okay to take a photo..that all the Americans and Japanese like to... :)
I guess there are a lot of Americans and Japanese leaving their dogs and cats for too long in Paris?
I can think of worse places :)

I am in my apartment right tired after having a fabulous pizza with Laurie, sans bacon, forcing myself to write this blog so I have something to read 20 years from now.

Fabulous Laurie..another American in Paris

But I try to remember, at least I have a bed to sleep on tonight!

I have a lot to be thankful for.

Time to rest...but maybe on more episode of Madman???
...another full day tomorrow...
and as there is only one English book in my rented apartment, which happens to be about the divorce of Madonna and Guy Ritchie, I am half way through and only 5 days left to finish :)


P.S. To the people staying in the hotel across from my apartment...put some clothes on!
You are in a city now and even though the windows are frosted, I can see you naked!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Before and After

I know I seem like the "Crazy Dog Lady"...but what do you expect..I am 37 and single ;)

Anyway, I am so happy to be back with my little "Pumpkin fresh" in Paris.

When I first picked him up, his hair was so long you could not even see his eyes. And though his mid section was full of beautiful curls, it was time for a haircut!

So off to the french coiffure!

2 hours and 35€ later...

A star is born...

Just like a model, or as the mother of Sophie said, 

"He now looks like the Ambassador of France."

And with a matching keychain to boot, he's looking good and feeling better than ever!

Awesome man in Montmartre making dog keychains all day long :)

It's 11PM Sunday night and time for a little "Me Time".

Movie: Twilight-Breaking Dawn

Life is pretty good right now:)